
23 July 2024

EO4EU Platform Use and Properties Unveiled

The EO4EU Platform use and properties have been outlined from 

18 June 2024

Harnessing Technology: EO4EU’s Strategic Use of the ADAM Platform

The Advanced Geospatial Data Management (ADAM) platform implemented by MEEO plays

18 January 2024

EO4EU Platform functionalities unveiled in run-up to early access

As one of the major additions to the EO4EU website, a section on the EO4EU Platform has been launched providing information on the expected features, functionalities and benefits.
23 October 2023

EO4EU Service Orchestration: an overview of the underlying technologies

Learn about the technical infrastructure and capabilities of a unique entry point to the major European EO datasets: the EO4EU Platform.
14 September 2023

Tracking a Dramatic Shift in Europe's Land Surface Temperatures

Climate change is no longer a distant threat; it's a reality that we are living through.

28 July 2023

Advancements towards an EO platform for non-technical users

With the EO4EU project now passing its first year, this blog series tackles the progress made towards the project’s “Requirements Elicitation and Conceptual Framework Specification" activities.
23 June 2023

EO4EU cited as a potential contributor to climate change response in Italy - ministry report

The EO4EU Project has been cited as one of the international programs Italy participates in to leverage EO data for a greater response to the consequences of climate change.
17 May 2023

ESA's Aeolus Sets New Standard for Safe Disposal of Satellites

In a significant development for space exploration, the European Space Agency's (ESA) Aeolus satellite has established a pioneering approach to ensure the safe and sustainable disposal of spacecraft.
09 May 2023

First tender open for Destination Earth Service Platform use cases

RHEA has just issued a tender, on behalf of ESA, for the selection of Destination Earth use cases. The tender closes on 30/05/2023 at 13:00 CET.

28 April 2023

WEkEO Hackathon is open for participation!

Registration is open for individuals and teams for the WEkEO Hackathon taking place online on 22-23 June 2023.