World Aerobiology 2024
EO4EU will join the World Aerobiology 2024 between 1-5 July in Vilnius (Lithuania) to present the opportunities for exploitation of Earth observation (EO) data and the results in the framework of the Use Case for Personalized Health Care Services (PASYFO).
The World Aerobiology 2024 is the most significant event worldwide for experts, researchers and scientists in the field of aerobiology. EO data is used to study airborne biological particles passively transported in the air, considering their sources, release, dispersion, deposition and impacts. Scientific results have many applications not only in human health (e.g. allergy and the spread of airborne diseases) but also in agriculture (e.g. phytopathology) and phenology (e.g., the effect of climate change). The meeting will feature three significant events, including the 8th European Symposium on Aerobiology (8th ESA), the 12th International Congress on Aerobiology (12th ICA), and the 5th International Ragweed Conference (5th IRC). The participants will share their research, knowledge, and innovations in studying airborne pollen, spores, and other bioaerosols.
In the framework of the event, the EO4EU project will present the EO4EU Platform, and results in aerobiology will be explained during several presentations. During oral presentations, the integration of EO4EU platform data into PASYFO will be demonstrated, the benefits of EO for science and society will be discussed, and the novel Pollen Resilience Index will be showcased. In the event, EO4EU will bring participants up to date with the goal and achievement of the project and share breaking news on using EO in innovative solutions.
During the event will be a meeting-workshop and will highlight the EO4EU Use Case EO for Personal Allergy Symptom Forecasting. Below are the key agenda items where EO4EU will be presented
EO4EU – Earth observations for Personal Allergy Symptom Forecasting
Thursday, 4th July, 2024, 17:00 - 18:30
Eta (2nd floor)
- Welcome to workshop (Ingrida Šaulienė, Vilnius University, Lithuania; 5 min)
- EO4EU platform - accessibility to Earth Observation (EO) data through next generation tools (Lukas Vaitkevičius, Vilnius University, Lithuania; 10 min).
- PASYFO – Earth observations for Personalized Health care Services (Laura Šukienė,
- Vilnius University, Lithuania; (15 min).
- Engaging new destinations: how to make PASYFO work for your country (Ingrida Šaulienė, Vilnius University, Lithuania; 20 min).
- Discussion (30 min).
Poster Session: Applications
Friday, 5 July, 2024, 11:00-11:30
Lobby of the Conference Center
Poster: Unlock the Potential of Earth Observation Data With EO4EU
Find more about the event at World Aerobiology 2024!