EO4EU Platform Launch: Bridging the Gap to Earth Observation Data
With the increasing demand for EO data, the EO4EU Project set the objective of providing simplified access to different EO data sources. By leveraging AI/ML, knowledge graphs and other innovative technologies, the recently launched EO4EU Platform enables EO data processing and analysis for a broad range of users. As a result, the Platform offers a rich set of features and tools not only for experts in the field, but also for academia, policy-makers, businesses and the general public.
Interested in learning more?
Who should watch and why
Anyone who is interested in Earth or environmental data and easily accessing them should attend, but most especially:
- Research and academia representatives who are interested in discovering the potential outcomes of integrating EO data into their research projects;
- Policy makers at the European, national and even local levels that seek easy-to-use tools to support decision-making with satellite, urban, or environmental EO data;
- The private sector and their representatives who aim at optimizing their business by using EO data or aspire to develop new solutions based on it
- Earth and environmental data providers that want to see how to promote further use of their data and find opportunities for new value-added tools and services
- Citizen scientists and the public that would like to have better access to scientific EO and environmental data for their own research
- Experts active in standards development organisations that are interested in potential new standards recommendations that can come from the intersection of several technological areas under EO4EU such as Earth observation data with artificial intelligence, high performance computing, augmented reality, among others.
- Welcome - Valeriya Fetisova (Trust-IT)
- Introduction - Vasileios Baousis (ECMWF)
- Overview & Access to the EO4EU Platform - Stathes Hadjiefthymiades (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- What do the EO4EU Platform components offer? - Stathes Hadjiefthymiades (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- EO4EU Platform: tools catalogue and demonstrations - Kakia Panagidi - (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- Platform Capabilities: Workflow Editor - Marios Sophocleous - Ebos
- EO4EU Use Case: an example of the EO4EU Platform uptake - Maximilien Houël SISTEMA & Melissa Latella (CMCC)
- Q&A session - moderated by Valeriya Fetisova (Trust-IT)
- Conclusion

EO4EU-organised event
Date range